Thank you for visiting my pages. I would love it if you would leave a message on my guest map! Just click on the map image, click "Post" and mark your location on the map.

Old Guestbook entries
Below are the entries from my old guestbook. It has been closed due to spamming issues, but the entries will remain here for reference. Thanks to all who contributed to it!
Great site, dude! You have a real knack for this and have inspired me to pursue CC2 a little more (I had given up on it). Thanks a lot and keep up the fantastic work! Your other site looks like it will soon offer a lot as well. I'm looking forward to buying some symbol catalogue from you once they get up there. :)
Jesse Hill <jesse_hill@emerson.edu>
Boston, MA USA - Friday, May 23, 2003 at 11:52:40 (CEST)
A most excellent world, thanks for sharing it. I especially like the Circle of Gods concept, and Malvin is cool. I'll keep revisiting! -Mike
Michael L Phillips
Belfast, N.Ireland UK - Tuesday, February 11, 2003 at 00:56:03 (CET)
Super! Super! Super!
The trip was great. I am very impressed with your world. I am in the very very early stages of building/creating my own world of nations and societies. Your work has been inspiring and eye-opening. Thank you so very much for allowing me to visit your world.
Best Regards,
DeWaCo <lodecor@lyn.net>
Trenton, Mo. U.S.A. - Tuesday, February 04, 2003 at 18:33:08 (CET)
Excellent stuff! Thanks for the opportunity to download. It'll be a big help in getting me started using CC2.
Rick Bligh <rbligh@aol.com>
Marysville, WA USA - Monday, February 03, 2003 at 08:12:13 (CET)
Hi ! At first, exercuse me for my english: i'm from Russia, so i may have so i can make some mistakes. Your maps are really good, and you are a good painter. You should write some lessons :)
P.S. Could you send me some symbols catalogs at ya@playful.com, plz :)
Angel <ya@playful.com>
Russia - Friday, January 31, 2003 at 02:08:16 (CET)
Hey I really like your site. I have found some of the information here
helpfull. Thanks :)
Joe D.
Joe <j_dirt@hotmail.com>
Memphis, TN US - Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 04:54:03 (CET)
Love the site! Working on a fantasy land myself. Hopefully, it will be so good that I could write some stories about it. Jhendor, is a lovely land! I hope you'll keep up the good work. And if anyone writes their own stories, (incl. the webmaster) I hope they'll contact me! Once again, love the site!
Frodo <frodo_lever@hotmail.com>
- Monday, January 20, 2003 at 12:56:42 (CET)
Your site is beautiful and impressive. You (and, I gather, Matt Wright) have a good sense of DESIGN in addition to your cartography skills.... Your site's wallpaper, your menu buttons, how you use your typefaces, and the colors you use all come together to create a clean look that MOST webpages on the Internet--whatever their content--lack completely.
I live in New York, but I was raised on the Iowa prairie, where there was nothing much to do, especially during cold winter evenings. So my friends and I turned to role-palying games. Your maps bring back many great memories of those days spent creating maps (ugly and hand-drawn, of course!) and storylines for our characters' adventures. (Your maps look like something right out of the Middle-Earth Role-Playing modules we'd use.)
Thanks for you good efforts....And the stroll down memory lane!
AngloDutch <anglodutch@nyc.rr.com>
New York City, NY USA - Monday, January 20, 2003 at 02:17:24 (CET)
Great site! Good work. Makes me want to buy a PC (I'm a Mac guy) for the first time, just to make my own maps. Thanks for the inspiration!
Brent Wolke <thwaak@pacbell.net>
Concord, CA USA - Wednesday, October 16, 2002 at 22:18:35 (CEST)
Hello! What a site! I am impressed - you must have spendt more hours with the computer than anyone can imagine! Promise me to keep up the good work!
Alex Weinreich <weinreich@image.dk>
Denmark - Thursday, October 10, 2002 at 10:55:10 (CEST)
Great maps... such great maps. As an amateur CC2 mapper, I come to this site for inspiration. You have done a wounderful job. Keep up the good work.
Coma White <xocomawhiteox@hotmail.com>
Westlake, Ohio USA - Saturday, September 28, 2002 at 20:48:05 (CEST)
wonderful work and how nice of you to share. i've downloaded you work so i can review it in greater detail. i lov the clean style of the overland maps.
Thank you!
- Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 07:22:54 (CEST)
My very best congratulation to share all your knowledge and your maps to everybody, because it is a lot of work and a nice gift to give us
My very best regards
Enthemis <bpoitrineau@libertysurf.fr>
andard, france - Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 11:08:16 (CEST)
Great Site. I was looking for CC2 maps, when i stumbled across your site.
Especially the logfiles are interesting.
What nicer thing to say then: MORE !!
Michael Galle
Michael Galle <migalle@ofir.dk>
Kopenhagen, Denmark - Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 15:59:27 (CEST)
Very nice work. City maps are quite impressive.
Kent <kent_pollard@hotmail.com>
Saskatoon, Sk Canada - Thursday, May 16, 2002 at 02:58:51 (CEST)
Nice place! Kim
- Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 19:47:38 (CET)
Jhendor looks like a great place to visit extensively. I like the concept of having the landmass centered roughly on the pole. Great imaginative creativity! I'll be returning often. Your hard work is evident. Thanks
Kirk Hepburn <Ilumra@pmcol.com>
Mt. Croghan, SC U.S.of A. - Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 00:19:21 (CET)
Hi, I'm 21 and my Universe is now nine years old. I've always been amazed at its evolution in story and in physical form. I found your page and found it to be really inspiring. I one day hope to have my stories be known as some of the greatest faerie tales of this time, and just thought I would tell you I think yours are just awesome. Take care, keep writting.
MA USA - Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 07:15:50 (CET)
Great site! Thanks for giving me the inspiration to carry on with my own world, Overearth, and its seven-year campaign. Like yourself, I have 'borrowed' from various inspirations (mine were mainly Howard's Hyborian Age and TSR's Mystara), and I was thinking of throwing it all away to start over! Now I know that it is worth pursuing, and have tried out the CC2 demos to practise perfecting my maps. Yours are great! Thanks again for the inspiration...
Carl Green <carlg@new-highway.co.za>
Cape Town, South Africa - Tuesday, October 30, 2001 at 12:22:46 (CET)
Great maps, really top notch!
snikle <snikle7@hotmail.com>
Fort Hood, tx usa - Friday, October 26, 2001 at 04:22:30 (CEST)
Thanks for all the helpful info,maps and symbols.
Your stuff kicks butt!
Another Newbie <theguild@mail.com>
Ft Lauderdale, Florida USA - Friday, October 05, 2001 at 23:26:02 (CEST)
Great maps! I just got the CC2 software and now have apparently found great examples of what the package can do. Thanks.
Luke <rathbun1@mindspring.com>
- Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 03:16:28 (CEST)
Great maps! I came specifically for the ADOM map, but I'm looking at the other ones, too.
Dark Siren Sally
USA - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 20:11:36 (CET)
Thanks for the link. It d/l just fine.
Tim Ragnow
St. Petersburg, Florida USA - Sunday, February 25, 2001 at 23:29:04 (CET)
It's a realy nice maps and other. I download ALL.
Moscow, Russia - Saturday, February 24, 2001 at 01:20:42 (CET)
Lovely maps. I downloaded the symbol catalogue with the palm, the gate and the gave entrance. In the times yet to come we will have a host of dragons wondering around Solea and they all need Lairs. The gave entrance will come more than handy then.
Thank you for the great work.
Maarit Pelletier <solearys@hotmail.com>
Turku, Finland - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 21:59:47 (CET)
Hallo Ralf, das ist Deine bekannte Qualität. Perfekt ! Beste Grüße aus Berlin.
Dirk <stettner@gruppestettner.de>
Berlin, Deutschland - Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 18:34:31 (CET)
I figure I have surfed your site long enough that a Guestbook entry is in order :) Your maps are excellently done and your site well organized. Keep up the great work.
Murray Towle <mtowle@adelphia.net>
Amherst, NY USA - Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 14:30:13 (CET)
hi ralf, your site is brilliant and I love your cc2 works a lot. I guess you will meet me soon on the german-cc2 list. farewell and keep your site up like this. gordon
Gordon <druzzil@freenet.de>
Gelsenkirchen, NRW germany - Thursday, October 05, 2000 at 16:43:04 (CEST)
Purchased CC2 and have been purusing the web searching for ideas and looks. Your sight has several wonderful maps, the "Black Death" map is outstanding. Hope someday to become as proficient as you. Great job! Dan
Daniel Albert <tanisdarkstar@home.com>
Fairfax, Iowa USA - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 15:46:56 (CEST)
Hi ralf. Absolutely superb site. As CC2 is establishing a mapping standard, so are you establishing such a standard for a Web page design. Congratulation for the good work. And do not worry if you see some of us trying to copy or emulate you. Warmest regards, Sylvain (The Wanderer) Robert.
Sylvain Robert (The Wanderer) <sylvain.robert@tr.cgocable.ca>
Trois-Rivières, Québec Canada - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 02:42:06 (CEST)
Nicely done! I noticed a couple areas that had under construction signs. The only suggestion I would offer is to remove the signs. If an area isn't ready, don't post it. If you've got some of the material, enough to start a section, then have at! But I don't know if an "under construction" sign is necessary since all good sites are constantly being updated and improved. That's what makes them fun to re-visit--to see what's new. Anyway, you've got a nice layout and quaility material! Keep up the good work!
Joe <joe@thistledownhall.com>
MN USA - Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 15:02:54 (CEST)
I want to thank you for providing the map of Llannaid, the city. I had to create a city for an upcomming CRPG system and it helped me immensely by allowing me to disect your map and see how to create the effects you achieved. I will suggest to any new person to CC2 that they should obtain one of your maps for learing purposes. Once again thank you.
PS drwing all of those building by hand gets monotonous but the effect is well worth it.
Kyle Cretsinger <greyhawk@stratics.com>
Fort Worth, TX USA - Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 15:01:46 (CEST)
Well-met Ralf!
I really like how you have the page set up for viewing and downloading your maps. Hopefully I'll have enough maps to create such a page for my site. I particularly like the battle maps.
Anna M. Dobritt <dorzil@aol.com>
Livonia, MI USA - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 03:39:51 (CEST)
Excellent site! I downloaded some of your maps many months ago when I was just starting to play with CC2 as I enjoyed just looking at them. I'd be interested to know what game system you use and what graphics package you used to prepare your excellent maps. Thanks!
Richard A. Hunt <admin@rpgware.com>
San Antonio, TX USA - Friday, May 19, 2000 at 01:57:54 (CEST)
Super-professionell !
Man sieht sich hoffentlich bald wieder.
Gruss aus dem Schwarzwald,
Frank <Frank.Messicci@GETRAG.de>
St. Georgen, Germany - Wednesday, May 10, 2000 at 02:38:47 (CEST)
Nice, Ralf! I've had the same sort of idea with my site of publishing my world, Peledir, but my maps are really primitive compared to your's. Again, nice work!!
Leo Sutherland <leos@leosuth.demon.co.uk>
Bracknell, Berkshire UK - Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 10:47:02 (CEST)
Welcome to my guestbook!
Ralf <ralf@fb1.uni-siegen.de>
Siegen, Germany - Monday, April 17, 2000 at 11:01:56 (CEST)
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